About Me

I have had a rich and adventurous  professional journey. To quote Maya Angelou, " Wouldn't take nothing for my journey" as each afforded me different insights and skills. 

Professional Experience:

In my mid twenties I worked  as a high school guidance counselor. What an amazing experience; guiding and supporting teens through one of the most challenging stages of life. You remember being a teenager, right? The unbridled curiosity, courage and energy that comes with youth. They were truly resislent in their quest to LIVE out loud! With that said, being teenagers, their resilient spirits needed a little guidance. That's where I came in. I called them my "No Limit" soldiers - always ready to go, no matter how many times they failed. When our time together ended I left with a grateful heart and two major insights: Curiosity coupled with courage bolsters our resiliency.

Questions for you:

What would it be like to greet your day filled with curiosity in exchange of fear?

How would your life be different if you embodied the "No Limit" solider persona?

What is one courageous step you will take TODAY toward creating the life you deserve?                                                             

Angela Another Professional Experience:

I spent over 10 years as  a  medical social worker working in acute and ambulatory settings. During that time I observed a relational pattern between patients and physicians. Patients sometimes found themselves in life-threatening circumstances due to unconscious choice- making and lack of self-compassion. Physicians in their desire to serve at their best, in turn experienced the very same absence of self- compassion and self-awareness. I became acutely aware of the long-term consequences of an individuals’ inattentiveness to self. 

I believe when we hush away that still small voice that whispers, “There’s something more to life… "let’s slow down and look” or ask, “Are we truly doing what we love?" we end up paying with our physical or mental health. It seems that those who are driven to serve often overlook the most important person in the room – themselves!

After  witnessing how disconnected people were from their TRUE nature, no matter their roles: physicians, executives, patients, colleagues, I decided to slow down and answer that still small voice. 3C coaching was born from the inner work I committed to during that time of self- reflection. 

3C:  is a personal coaching program designed to reconnect you with your truth: to embrace life wholeheartedly, to live from a place of self-awareness and empowerment. It is especially created for those whom, up until now, have lived their lives in default mode, but now are ready to answer that inner voice.Let me be brutally honest here, once you decide to answer that inner call it will most likely be one of the most courageous things you will do in your lifetime. You can anticipate uncertainty, fear and doubt that surfaces when we move from a place of comfort to a place of growth and transformation. For growth demands we replace outworn thinking patterns and behaviors with a beginner’s mind - ready for the hero’s journey.

And you, like every other hero will have to face the giants: limited thinking, the self- critic and the crowd (the ones who will want to keep you safe and not let you go or grow).

Having a thinking partner during this time of personal disruption can help you see the gift of change, look with curiosity vs fear and create with intention.

Congratulations!  Today you have made the courageous decision to answer the inner call, to boldly and unapologetically refuse to die with your LIGHT inside of you – let’s do this! 

For one can have no smaller or greater mastery then mastery of self”      

                                                                                ~  Leonardo da Vinci 

Contact Me



9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



